Our Need

Volunteer Tutors/Mentors/Classroom Workers

Our school partners with the Cincinnati Youth Collaborative and community groups to bring tutors and mentors to students needing individual assistance. When a student scores below the “proficient” level in reading or math, they may be paired with a tutor. These tutoring sessions occur during and after school hours. Parents, community members, alumni and retired teachers serve as volunteers, mentors and tutors. Their help, support and guidance are greatly appreciated. If you are interested in becoming a tutor/mentor/classroom worker, please call our Resource Coordinator, Nikki Marksberry, at 513-363-3800.

Our foundation goal is to ensure that every Mt. Washington Knight is provided with an opportunity to shine. Whether in academics, after school programs or by receiving some basic life necessities, we are helping these students reach their fullest potential.

Please consider a contribution by clicking the knight’s “Help” shield. Once you do, you can make a contribution, provide an In-kind gift or become a volunteer. Whatever you do, we are deeply grateful for your support.

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